Friday 15 November 2013

AFTERMATH: One Day When I Didn't Score

Hello, thanks for coming by.

You maybe know, the first 22 instalments of this blog are the text of my ebook, 'How To Become A Crack Addict' (from Jan to April 2013).  You can buy this as a kindle on amazon, if you do that kind of thing, and it would be great if you could review it...there are 3 good reviews so far, and all are appreciated.  Now here is today's lesson...

Here is a link to a song of mine on youtube.  Just click here to hear Masochist's Anonymous


It was a rare, drear day.  Woke at 6.44, and began the countdown in my mind to about 9, when I could viably ring cohorts from Hepatitis Court, a tenement-block where once I'd scored.  They were, at the time, the only other users I knew, a couple, with two kids of about five, who hadn't been taken into care yet.

I managed to drop off for an hour or so, truncating my wait, and then, at 8.45, I dressed, and left.  Past the garage, the shops, the bus-stop, and then right down the ramp into Hepatitis Court car-park...up the steps to stairwell one, and through to number 3, Spike and Suzie.  One would surely be in, and would ring Killer, the probable nearest candidate to bring the wares.

But I knocked, there in the dinge, little light upon me, filtering through the fire-door, but all I heard was silence, and then a shuffle, a voice, a child's voice, 'Hello?'

'Hello,' I said.

'I can't open the door,' it said.

'Are your mummy and daddy in?' I asked.

'They're not here,' it said, footsteps fading away.

After a moment, I turned, and left, through the fire-door into stairwell one, downstairs, and out onto the street.  I had an eye out to find someone, or be found by them, but somehow, more by chance than judgment, I wandered home.

And that is my reminiscence for the day...

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