Monday, 22 June 2015

AFTER ADDICTION: From Drugs Hell To Comedy Purgatory

Hi, and thanks for dropping by.  You may know, the first 22 posts of this blog are the text of my ebook, 'How To Become A Crack Addict', which you can read here, or buy for £3 on Amazon, if you prefer.  It has three very good reviews, I'm pleased to say, but I would like more reviews, good or otherwise.  Nowadays, the blog is the kinda twice-weekly musings of yours truly, Benjamin Lo-Fi, singer, writer, songwriter, and comedy performer (arguably).  I usually write these blog entries, but I'm trying to resuscitate, or maybe just suscitate, the little comedy soiree I organise in the pub over the road from me, at the Duchess of Cambridge.  Here are two pieces to camera, one by me, tired of a day of worrying and trying to whip up audience, and one from Professor Brian Cox, floppy-fringed stargazer, who wishes to endorse the evening, due to having good taste in the absurd.  I hope you can bring yourself/selves to muster a little sympathy for my cause, and, if you can, come along to one Wednesday evening to what is, even if I say so myself, an original, friendly, and funny evening of comedy antics.

Here is my bit to camera:

And here is Professor Brian Cox's much more succinct endorsement of the soiree:

Thanks for dropping by.  See you very soon.

Best wishes, Benjamin Lo-Fi.

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